Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Chanukah Invaders

A certain Kiruv organization was looking for very very last minute t-shirt designs for a certain youtube video they were creating. I received an email randomly (okay, because of Ezzie) and told the sender i would not be able to make the deadline (which was a few hours away, and i was tucked away in bed already, without my graphic design programs at home). The sender was very desperate and asked me to please create these images ASAP. Apparently no one was able to make the ridiculous deadline.

First i asked about color usage, i knew they planned to screen print these onto tshirts and there are usually limits with that sort of thing. She never replied. So i created this -- on a black t-shirt it would be awesome:

just to clarify, they ASKED me to make such a design. First i had done it spelled exactly as the email from sender had said "Hanukah". Of course she replied they wanted "Chanukah"

Anyway they got back to me that they needed it all in black, so i made this:

Then they wanted 3 design options for the front of the shirt. Keeping with the theme, i came up with these three:
After all of that, they went with someone else's design.

At least i got some practice in.